Thursday, August 30, 2007

First Timer

So here I am...blogging. I am not real big on the idea. I will be moving to Virginia in 2 months and come January 2008 I will be living in Peru. So in order to keep all of you guys informed I am gonna make this work. I figure I can share stories of my journey and also prayer request.

I guess I should share why I am moving to Peru. I willing be living in Puerto Maldonado as a Journey Man. This means I am going to be a missionary to the Peruvian People. God has guided me through this process and He has brought me to the International Mission Board. This is the organization that I will be traveling with.

I know that this is not alot of information but I do not want to overwhelm any of you guys on the first run.

I will finish up with a few things that you guys could pray about if you like. First off my time left here in DFW is short so I pray that with family friends and who ever else that God places in my path that I will be bold with the Gospel of Jesus. So often I get complacent with everything around me. I accept the lie that those around me know who Jesus is and have already given their final answer to Him. Also, I pray that packing and cleaning will go easy. Lastly, for now I would like You guys to pray that evertthing will just come together in a God kind of way. I know that people at the IMB are finishing up the red tape for training, I have a short time left with family and friends and the only home I have ever known. So for all of this to come together in a way that shows everyone how amazing God is would be pretty cool.

Until next time, adios.