Saturday, November 10, 2007

Saturday Morning Cartoons

So last night some of us went and saw Dan in real life. As I sat watching previews getting ready for next springs big hits it suddenly occurred to me that I would not be able to watch any of them for at least two years. This is a thought that had crossed my mind many times over the last few months, but for the last three weeks I have been about 98% cut off from all media not including the net. This does not make sad, It is just a change that finally sank in. What this has to do with Saturday morning cartoons, absolutely nothing...But it is Saturday morning, and thinking of them takes me back to my youth.
So an update on what all is going on. We are all busy as ever. Most days I am at house church by 6am and we just fellowship and see where the spirit leads. From there I go to breakfast and get a little food. Them it is class straight through till lunch. Always good, but it is only the end of week three and I think I may have hit max retention. We all eat lunch together and then it is back to class, some days we have what is called personal application/napplication time. Every other day we have ex team p.t. Yesterday was our first of three shot days. Rabbis, Hepatitis A and B...I say bring it on cause I am covered. Before it is all said and done I will get yellow fever, typhoid and a bunch others that I am not even sure what they are.
I am doing well, I had been sick for about a week. Also, my right ankle and shin had been in a large amount of pain for three nights. There are many of you here and back home that lifted me up in prayer and for this I am thankful to yall and to God who has answered your prayers. My cold is nearly gone, just a small cough left over, and the foot pain has ceased completely. Praise God!
Many of you have asked how I feel about my change in job description. The best I know to tell you is that I know it is what God wants for me. Everything else that I thought I wanted to do would have been easy. If I needed to I could have faked it for two years, I know that it would have been difficult but I could have limped through it. With the position God has for me now I must and will have to be totally dependant on Him. My flesh will have to die daily. If I intend to serve Him I must first fall at His feet and trust that He will lift me up and guide my every step. I must be his Doulos, his slave. Jesus must be my everything, my all in all. There are many things I could gripe about. Contact to the outside world will be limited, training will be hard, the conditions sound pretty tough...I will have to sacrifice more than I understood at first and probably more than I even realize now. But, in comparison to the sacrifice He made for me, it is nothing. Maybe, one person will come to saving faith in JC. Maybe many will. Even if He has called me to a waste land where His message is rejected by everyone I encounter for two years, I will follow God.

So this is where my heart is this morning, thank you all for your prayers and cards. I am missing you all and will see you soon.


Kristen Svajda said...

That was very early in the morning that you wrote that, huh? I am glad to hear that you're cold is going away. That's great!
We will miss you tonight at YACS.
And I've been praying that you'll get enough rest in the time that you do spend sleeping. Hang in there...just keep soaking it up. Write it all down, so you can look back at it later!

Anonymous said...

I pray for you everytime I drive past an arby's. Don't worry too much... you can get movies in Peru...just a few weeks late (in Lima it wasn't too bad really), but I know the jungle will be different.
We are excited for you - and proud of you for stepping up to the challenge. You won't regret it.