Sunday, December 30, 2007

Leavin on a jet plane....

My bags indeed are all packed and I am ready to go. My flight leaves in about 12 hours. I am calmer and more ready than I ever invisioned myself to be, but the moment is here and God has calmed my heart and readied my spirit.
I know that a new world...really it has been there the same amount of time as the world I know, but anyway it awaits me. Tomorrow I will arrive in Peru and this will mark a new chapter in the God's story of my life.
He is such an awesome creator. He has truley placed the stars in the sky and He knows them each by name. Yet, with all that is going on from one end of the universe to the other He still knows me more than I know myself. He loves me better than I know what the word means. He has such an amazing plan not just for me but for you as well. I pray with all earnest that you find God, that you embrace Jesus and that you begin on this path, His plan for you. Isaiah 55 says it best, His ways and His thoughts are not like ours, His ways and His thoughts are better than ours!
I pray that this is old news and that for years and years you have been on this path following God's plan. Praise God for those of you who are.
Really all I needed to say is that tomorrow I leave for Peru, pray for me and those who will travel with me: Jeff, Chris, Andy, Christie, Linzi, Nadia, and Katy. God bless all of you and let me know how I may be praying for you in return.

Also, it may be a while before I can write again. Look for April or there abouts. I can not say that it will even be that soon.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Just a short word

So I am sitting in a session right now, I know that I need to be paying close attention. I am on break at the moment so do not worry, I am being as diligent as I know how.
The information is all very good here but I am glad that it will soon be over. I am ready to see all of you back home. The break and Christmas will be nice and also it will serve as a much needed recharge...I hope. Then it is on to Peru, which I am excited about. Training there is going to be very difficult there from all that I have been hearing, but it will be out doors and more hands on which will be a welcomed change from the whole ILC experience.
I will miss the friends that I have made here, but I am joyful to know that the gospel will be spread through our departure from this place. There are so many people are going to so many places, but it is really easy to forget that as I sit beside them each day. When it all slows down and I think about it, it hits me, our time here is short and we are about to move on.
I am ready to go, please pray that this would subside for a few more days and that as I am here I will remain here in body and mind, that I would finish the task and the learning that God has for me here. Thank you all so much for your dedication and your prayers.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

God is so GOOD

So I know that many of you must have been praying for me as warriors yesterday. New York was a blast and God is so faithful in ways that I never look for and do not expect. We walked a ton and saw many exciting places. We got turned around at one point which at first I thought to my self "what a pain in the butt". Then God reminded me just how big He is and how He knows exactly what He is doing.
So we get almost to the bay to look at Lady Liberty and we walked about twenty minutes in the wrong direction. Like I said I was aggravated, but once we got there God showed me what I needed to see to get me through the rest of the day. In the glory of His creation I got to see the sun going down behind the Statue of Liberty. In my timing I would have missed this, in His timing He showed me how amazing His artistry is. The picture is going to be on face book, go check it out.
We then went to Rockefeller Centre with about 12 million other people. At this point I was still having a great time but it was difficult to stay this way. I went out of a store to get some air and at that moment God opened my eyes. I had been in the City all day and had not told anyone about His gift of love and salvation, Jesus. I prayed that He would allow me conversation to talk about Him and bring someone closer to Him. I actually asked for the whole City to come to Him, I figured I should start small.
When we got back on the NJT to Trenton I sat with one of the Girls in our group and this left the seat across from us open. The train was packed so it was less than a minute after that, that two women sat down. It was only minutes before the conversation opened up. Soon we found out that one of them worked with Jewish Rabbis. I was pumped I just knew that God had brought me a Jew and that I was going to be able to tell her about the Messiah who is Jesus!
Then God, because He is mighty, faithful, caring, wise, and on and on, rocked me. Over the next hour and a half the four of us talked about our walks with the Father and the Son, and guess what, the Spirit was there with us on that train! It turns out that these ladies were actually my sisters in Christ and before time began He put the four of us in motion to be on that train together that we could encourage and grow each other in the most random moment, or what seemed random to me (He knew what He was doing). Before they exited at their stop we all prayed together on that train. In front of young, old, Muslims and many others we prayed...Please pray that the hearts of the lost around that prayer and conversation would be forever touched for God's Kingdom and His Glory. Also pray for Kathrine and Marissa that they would be encouraged just as much as I was and that as they serve among the Jewish community in New York that they would be BOLD for Christ and that His words would be on their lips. Also that their friends and family that do not know the Lord would be encouraged daily by their walks.
I am praising God for this event in my life. He is continually proving Himself to me, it is not like He has to...He is God. But even still he does. He loves me and wants to show me how much I mean to Him. How does He do this for you? Are you asking Him to provide these types of moments for you? Twice on this day I asked that He would provide and twice He proved himself...Not in my way but in His.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

To much who is given

So I am extremley blessed. This is not just now coming to my mind. I have known for years but each day it sinks in a little more. I am in New York. Last night on the subway I talked to a man from Tokyo. I have dear friends there right now who are being bold and faithful for the Lord. This is a blessing, as I thought of them the Lord allowed my boldness and faith in Him to well up inside of me. I talked to this man from Japan for about Ten minutes. He told me that he only beleives in himslef. He told me that he would never fail himself. I told him that I constantly fail my self and fail others. I told him that my faith is in Jesus, the one who would never fail me. My prayer is that another brother will have the chance to one day lead this man to the Lord of Lord and King of kings.
I also pray that today as I am in the city the Lord will again grant me the faith and boldness to tell others and tell them well. I am not really worried about having a person to tell, because I am in NYC and there are millions of people...LORD lead me to the one who neeeds to hear your name the most.
The last week in VA. was really great, we had time with our region. This means we were with all of the people going to South America. We learned alot of really good stuff. Also we got to learn about each other and how we can better serve each as a result there of.
Again please cry out to the Lord that I will have continual opportunities to share Jesus with others. Pray for the hearts in Peru and around the world that God would prepare them to accept Him.
Lord, I know that you have given me much, help me to be faithful and use all that you have given me for your glory.
My time online is up. And, it is time to see the city and find what our Father has for me here. I don't have time to spell check so will edit it latter. Welp, see you later.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Halftime in Va.

So, I just figured I would give a half time report. I can not believe that I have been here for 4 weeks already. I am at the half way point.
I am extremely ready to be in Peru, but I am working on being patient. I know that God has lots more to teach me here and I am looking forward to the 10 days back in Texas. For our team we have been doing physical training in the morning and Spanish storying at night. It has really helped me to stay focused on why I am here. Often times I would rather be sleeping in or going out with other groups but through all the extra work my heart has grown for the people I am going to serve.
Also, in the last few weeks I have been trying to pray for those of you back home more than normal. I know that you guys have all been praying for me and it is great to have that support. I am grateful for this and it because of you guys crying out to god for me that I stay lifted up. So i want you all to know that I am praying hard for you you here. Let me know by email or comment how I can lift you up specifically.
I go to D.C. this Friday. It should be a good. I love history and I have always wanted to check out the sites. Plus I will have ample opportunity to share the Gospel, so please ask that God would give me a divine appointment with someone.

I will write again soon and let you all know how it went. Check ya later!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Saturday Morning Cartoons

So last night some of us went and saw Dan in real life. As I sat watching previews getting ready for next springs big hits it suddenly occurred to me that I would not be able to watch any of them for at least two years. This is a thought that had crossed my mind many times over the last few months, but for the last three weeks I have been about 98% cut off from all media not including the net. This does not make sad, It is just a change that finally sank in. What this has to do with Saturday morning cartoons, absolutely nothing...But it is Saturday morning, and thinking of them takes me back to my youth.
So an update on what all is going on. We are all busy as ever. Most days I am at house church by 6am and we just fellowship and see where the spirit leads. From there I go to breakfast and get a little food. Them it is class straight through till lunch. Always good, but it is only the end of week three and I think I may have hit max retention. We all eat lunch together and then it is back to class, some days we have what is called personal application/napplication time. Every other day we have ex team p.t. Yesterday was our first of three shot days. Rabbis, Hepatitis A and B...I say bring it on cause I am covered. Before it is all said and done I will get yellow fever, typhoid and a bunch others that I am not even sure what they are.
I am doing well, I had been sick for about a week. Also, my right ankle and shin had been in a large amount of pain for three nights. There are many of you here and back home that lifted me up in prayer and for this I am thankful to yall and to God who has answered your prayers. My cold is nearly gone, just a small cough left over, and the foot pain has ceased completely. Praise God!
Many of you have asked how I feel about my change in job description. The best I know to tell you is that I know it is what God wants for me. Everything else that I thought I wanted to do would have been easy. If I needed to I could have faked it for two years, I know that it would have been difficult but I could have limped through it. With the position God has for me now I must and will have to be totally dependant on Him. My flesh will have to die daily. If I intend to serve Him I must first fall at His feet and trust that He will lift me up and guide my every step. I must be his Doulos, his slave. Jesus must be my everything, my all in all. There are many things I could gripe about. Contact to the outside world will be limited, training will be hard, the conditions sound pretty tough...I will have to sacrifice more than I understood at first and probably more than I even realize now. But, in comparison to the sacrifice He made for me, it is nothing. Maybe, one person will come to saving faith in JC. Maybe many will. Even if He has called me to a waste land where His message is rejected by everyone I encounter for two years, I will follow God.

So this is where my heart is this morning, thank you all for your prayers and cards. I am missing you all and will see you soon.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

almost forgot

Almost forgot, My job has changed. I am not going to be a desk jockey! I will be a jungle hiking missionary! Talked to my supervisor tonight and I am really excited to see what God has for the team and for the next two years.

Goodness Gracious

Okay, so never in my entire life have I been stretched and challenged so much in just such a short time. God is teaching more and more every day, it builds day by day exponentially, it is crazy. This week we have been talking about spiritual warfare, Dr. Rankin was teaching us this week and wow, it has been good. Sometimes it wears me out, I am not made to sit as long as our classes last, but like I said God is stretching me. So what stuck out to me the most is Paul's concept of dieing to one self, just an interesting fact, self is flesh backwards without the H. So, when we die to our selves it is so that Christ can live in us, so to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If my heart is beating it beats not for me, but for Christ. When my heart stops beating it is gain because I join Christ! I have quoted this verse a bunch of times and it never really sank in until today.
Tomorrow and Friday we are going over Doctrine, why we believe what we believe. I am looking forward to it. I know that it entails more class time that I am not used to, but for the next seven weeks I better get used to it.
My prayer request would be for good rest, I hate slowing down. I feel like I am going to miss out on something by staying in...It is hard for me to sit at the computer even now, because I know people are doing things and I am not there. Also, that I would realize that I am human and rest is essential. I know that a pace like this will only last so long. I must stay faithful to a sabbath, for good reason too. I am praying for all of you back in Texas, let me know what is on yalls hearts so that I can lift them up to our Father.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Here I am

Well today has been amazing. The flight from Dallas to Richmond went perfect. There were no delays all my luggage made it unharmed and here I am.
I want to say thank you to everyone who has been praying for the travel and also for the journey itself. At this point it still seems a little unreal to me that I am even here. I am amazed that God has chosen me for this task in this time. Yet at the same time I say with joy and conviction Here I am Lord, send me!
Just because I am here and the fun is about to begin does not mean that the prayer needs are done. My heart has been burdened for the lost so much over the last 36 hours. As I was preparing to leave I came across two very special items to me and God spoke to me through them in a whole new way. The first is an obituary from a girl that I went to grade school with who died in a car accident nearly ten years ago, she was only 14 years old. the second is a picture of two of my good friends from high school. Both of whom are lost and hopeless. When I saw these two items side by side God gave me urgency like never before. There is a lost and dieing world out there and we have no idea how few moments we have left to tell them the wonderful news of Jesus.
So to those of you who have time to read all of this, this is where the Lord has my heart. Join in the harvest with me how ever you can, go and tell, neel and pray, be obedient to God's call.
Again thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The word of the day!

Well all day today this word has been coming to my mind. I started the day off by finding out that a friend of mine lost her grandmother. She had to sacrifice. Another friend of mine is in Peru and is missing her sister eighteenth birthday today. She had to sacrifice. Tonight a group of wonderful friends and family gathered together to say good bye to me. They are, well...They are sacrificing the next two years with me and I with them.
Many people often ask if I feel like I am giving up too much by leaving the U.S. to tell other about Jesus. They worry that I will miss out on the joys of starting a family, or the intensity early career life. I have even been told that there will never be a better time than right now to invest in a home.
So when I look at all of these things, I too am sacrificing. I know most of all I will miss my family and friends. I will not be here for the amazing things God is doing in Watauga.
But, I know God is still going to be doing these great things in Watauga. He has called be to be a part of the great things He is doing in Peru.
Even more than all of this I remember the cross. Jesus sacrificed. What He gave up was the greatest sacrifice. He willingly left the right hand of God in heaven, came to earth and bore the sin of the entire world so that I, so that we could join Him there for eternity.
WOW, so it went from sacrifice for Him to blessing for me all in one smooth move. None of the things I mentioned above have had this great of an effect on humanity but all of these sacrifices in there own way also bring forth blessings.

A grandmother left this life today, but she lives on in eternity praising the King.
A girl gave up her sisters birthday, but because of this lost, people in Peru will hear about the Way.
My friends, family and I are giving up time with each other, but in my heart I know that through this God will make me a better man, a better friend and He and His kingdom will be glorified. Even in the midst of sacrifice, what better blessing could I ask for?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I know, I know....I am a slacker

Well I officially leave for training this month. I have gotten a "hint" that maybe I should update you guys on whats going on in these last few days in Fort Worth. So here it goes!

I have two days left at Texas Metal Works. I have really enjoyed my time here and even though it is time to move on it is still going to be hard. From here I will move on to about a dozen little homework assignments that the board has for me. Some of you have already or will be getting a call to help or be a part of what I have to do. I also need to go through stuff. I have a bunch of junk that I have collected over the years that I never do anything with and it is time for all... or at least most of this to find a new home.

During all of this two things keep coming to my mind. The small amount of time I have for all the tasks at hand, as well as to spend with family and friends. And second, I kinda feel like I am about to burn my plow and cook the oxen over it.

On the first one, God has given me comfort. He has written the pages of history and the future. I am pretty sure He is capable of taking care of me in the last few days here in Texas. Just for you who do not know me that well, He is my God and I KNOW He can do these things, and far greater things. My trust is in Him and it is by His hand that all things happen. So, no worries.

On the second thing. God has not yet called me to a lifetime commitment to missions. When He does I will follow Him kicking and screaming...I mean with all of my Heart. Seriously though, I want to believe that when God shows me whatever plans He has for me next I trust Him with the future as much as I trust Him with right now. I hope to one day have the faith of the Prophet Elisha. All he had was the promise of Jesus and he was still crazy faithful. For now all I can do is stand upon the Rock, who is Jesus and enjoy the last weeks with those who I love and who love me. So again I say my trust is in Him and it is by His hand that all things happen, so no worries!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Update on the comissioning service

Well the service was awesome. I am not sure how to describe it. All I know is that the love and encouragement that FBC Watauga showed me Sunday night was great. Also, a bunch of my family was there and it was great to have them there. I really want to says thanks to everyone who was there and also to the people who put it together. Joe Wolfee, brother, I love you and thanks for all the effort.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


So tomorrow FBC Watauga is having a commissioning service for me. I am pretty excited. A good amount of my family that usually does not go to church will be there. It is my prayer that they will see and or find Jesus. I am not sure how the whole thing is gonna go down. In the next few days I will blog again and let everyone know what happened and how it went. If you read this before tomorrow and you want to come bring it on, I would love to see you there!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

First Timer

So here I am...blogging. I am not real big on the idea. I will be moving to Virginia in 2 months and come January 2008 I will be living in Peru. So in order to keep all of you guys informed I am gonna make this work. I figure I can share stories of my journey and also prayer request.

I guess I should share why I am moving to Peru. I willing be living in Puerto Maldonado as a Journey Man. This means I am going to be a missionary to the Peruvian People. God has guided me through this process and He has brought me to the International Mission Board. This is the organization that I will be traveling with.

I know that this is not alot of information but I do not want to overwhelm any of you guys on the first run.

I will finish up with a few things that you guys could pray about if you like. First off my time left here in DFW is short so I pray that with family friends and who ever else that God places in my path that I will be bold with the Gospel of Jesus. So often I get complacent with everything around me. I accept the lie that those around me know who Jesus is and have already given their final answer to Him. Also, I pray that packing and cleaning will go easy. Lastly, for now I would like You guys to pray that evertthing will just come together in a God kind of way. I know that people at the IMB are finishing up the red tape for training, I have a short time left with family and friends and the only home I have ever known. So for all of this to come together in a way that shows everyone how amazing God is would be pretty cool.

Until next time, adios.